ORRY IS UNBEIEF - when felt in the "elect. Peace, for them, is found only in faith of Christlike patience (unnatural endurance of the Inspired Divine Nature""T
o be RICH is to have money, But to have WEALTH is to have Time! - to discover the true hidden values of the Christlke life.""T
o the Brave of Heart, CLARITY leaves no possible options. (of thinking or action(s). This is the fate found in the free will of the pure of heart.""T
HE STUGGLE FOR LIVE, now and forever, IS EVERTHING! - And is the "Prime Value of the Christlike". Man's secondary struggle toward convience (quality of life, via progress/reinvention and the acquisition of its results) is the dead-end delusion that comprimises the true struggle (totally attempt - "The AGONY" - greek 'agone') and must be constantly resisted as self destructive and delusional. The pyschological trick (secret finese') is to acquire the habit of separating Life from psychological and physical pain. The "AHA" is they are not the same, except in the grief process, ie; Pain and dying are not the same, except in the animal unconscuous.""A
rt attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self."